Ministry to Buckingham (Our Jerusalem)
Latino Church Plant
The Promised Land Church
Sunday Service at 11:00 a.m. & Wednesday Evening Service
Maysville Baptist has planted a church to serve the Latino population of Central Virginia. This church is Latino led and all services are in Spanish. Meeting in the former Maysville Baptist Chapel (near the road).
Good News Club at the Carter G. Woodson School Complex in Buckingham
Meets Every Friday for six weeks in the Fall and Spring from 3:15 – 5:15 This is an exciting, fun filled time for children of Buckingham Primary and Elementary Schools in K – 5th grades. The club will include dynamic Bible lessons, creative learning activities, inspiring missionary stories, meaningful songs and life-changing Scripture memory. Goals of the Club are the children learning Bible principles to develop character qualities, moral values and respect for authority. Call the church office to register at any time (434)969-4657.
MOMs (Ministry of Motherhood) at Maysville Baptist
The MOMs group gathers together twice monthly to support and encourage moms from Buckingham and the surrounding counties. Meeting every Second Monday at 9:30 a.m. (with Nursery) and Fourth Monday at 6:30 p.m.

Upward Basketball at Maysville Baptist
The 2022 Upward Basketball season concluded in February. Registration for the 2023 Upward Basketball season will open in October 2022. . If you have any questions, call the church office (434)969-4657.
Ministry to Virginia (Our Judea)
Disaster Relief
Maysville has a team of 16 trained Disaster Relief members. These members are committed to meeting needs as they arise in
Virginia and even into the United States. Recently, members of the DRT were able to deploy to Hurley, VA to help victims of the
remnants of Hurricane Ida. Click below to watch videos featuring our DRT members.
Ministry to Internationals in Northern Virginia
Maysville has an on-going partnership with a South Asian Church Plant in Northern VA.
Ministry to the U.S. (Our Samaria)
Supporting NAMB Missionaries through the Annie Armstrong Offering
Ministry to the World (Ends of the Earth)
SBCV Partnership with South Asia to reach a UUPG with the Gospel
January 2023 – Travel to two countries in South Asia to partner on the ground with the Indigenous Church Planters that Maysville has been working with.
April 2022 – Partnered with an Indigenous Church Planter in South Asia to bless villages of people who have never heard of Jesus with a presentation of the Gospel featuring the Resurrection, a meal and material goods.
December 2021 – Operation Christmas Child – Every year, the Maysville Family enjoys packing boxes to send to children across the world. This year, we exceeded our goal of 100 boxes with packing 147 boxes!!
December 2021 – Partnered with an Indigenous Church Planter in South Asia to bless villages of people who have never heard of Jesus with a presentation of the Gospel and material goods.
July/August 2021 – Partnered with an Indigenous Church Planter in South Asia to provide immediate food relief to those affected by
the Covid Pandemic
April 2021 – Partnered with an Indigenous Church Planter in South Asia to bring a dramatization of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
to villages of people who have never heard of a Creator God or His Son, Jesus.
December 2020 – Partnered with an Indigenous Church Planter in South Asia to bless villages of people who have never heard of Jesus with a presentation of the Gospel and material goods.
2020 Focus with Short-term trips in April and May (These trips have been postponed due to COVID-19) Pastor Westly has joined with SBCV Mission Strategist, Brad Russell to bring area churches together in a partnership to impact God’s Kingdom work in South Asia! Did you know that there are entire groups of people in South Asia who have no known believers among them and no one is actively trying to engage them in a Gospel conversation? Did you know that these people groups are comprised of MILLIONS of people? Without the sacrifice to go and tell them the Good News of Jesus Christ, they may never hear. If you are a part of a SBCV church and would like more information, please contact our church office at (434)969-4657.
“(Jesus said) … you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in all
Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8b
It is our vision at Maysville Baptist to see a multitude of all peoples from Buckingham and beyond come to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ for the glory of God. To do this, it is our mission to disciple and deploy equipped, mature, fully devoted followers of Christ so that families, communities and the world will be transformed.
Missions is at the core of our Vision at Maysville Baptist to see all peoples in Buckingham and beyond come to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ for the glory of God. Maysville participates in Local Missions led by our Mission Director, State Missions through the SBCV and International Missions through the International Mission Board.
Maysville has Discipleship classes that meet every Wednesday night and is geared toward everyone becoming a disciple maker. In this way, each disciple not only grows in their personal relationship with God, but they are able to then help others to grow as well. We do this in obedience of the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19a that says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations …”
Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child

Vermont Mission Team 2019

Ministering to the Ends of the Earth 2019

Partnering with Churches in our Community to Minister to the Ends of the Earth 2019