Upward Basketball
UPWARD 2025 Basketball Season
Registration is now Open for the 2025 Season.
Your child’s coach will call you the week before to notify you of practice day & time.
If you have any questions about UPWARD Basketball, please call our office at (434)969-4657 or email us at upwardatmaysville@gmail.com

The focus of UPWARD Basketball is to teach the game of basketball through healthy competition while building athletic foundations that prepare athletes for the next level of play. Through age-appropriate team play, athletes begin to build positive character traits that will allow them to encourage and strengthen themselves and their teammates.
UPWARD Basketball at Maysville Baptist is not only fun your child, but a great fit for your family! Registration begins in November each year with once per week practices starting in December. Games begin in January and go through February and are always played on Saturday mornings at Maysville Baptist. No travel games, no multiple nights of practice, just a one-hour practice during the week and a one-hour game on Saturday.
Coaches are from our church and community and are screened through our Sports Ministry Director, our Pastor, and a formal background check. Practices and games are times for coaches to teach and build basketball skills while making sure the kids have fun. In addition, coaches lead a short devotion at practice that reinforces positive character traits and Pastor Westly shares a short message during each half time.
If you have any questions about UPWARD Basketball, please call our office at (434)969-4657 or email us at upwardatmaysville@gmail.com